Stories and Reviews
Read, Learn, and Enjoy
Welcome to our blog! All stories and reviews are based on our personal experiences and our thoughts about the overall quality and reliability of equipment and tools that we have used.

Dog Walking Essentials
Going for walks is an essential practice when you have a dog and naturally there is some essential equipment you want to use and have with you.
First 5 Things to Buy When Getting a Dog
So you’re getting a dog and know they need a lot of stuff, but with all this stuff it’s hard to sort out what is the most important and what is the most urgent.

What We Feed Our German Shepherd
What you feed your dog is very important, but with so many products and types of food on the market it can be hard to know what you should really feed your dog.
Hikes in Washington: Tolt-MacDonald Overlook
Looking for a good hike in western Washington? Look no further than Tolt-MacDonald Overlook. We love going for a hike at Tolt-MacDonald and it is probably our most visited location.

It’s a common statement that is used on a regular basis as a “cliché”. But is it true? Is an older mature dog unable to learn new behaviors? Is an older dog unable to learn or overcome bad behaviors.
Clear, Concise, Consistent Communication
Although a dog in general has been bred to work with human beings and its human pack leader, no breed has developed the ability to speak the language of their owner.

Commands you must teach your dog!!!
When you bring your dog home and the novelty and cuteness of having a puppy wears off the next question that pops into our mind is the idea of Dog Training. But where do we start? What does my dog need to know? How do I teach this to my dog?
Dog spelt backwards is ....?
Correlation? Coincidence? Or something else???
First an foremost I need to say and I want to be clear. I am not suggesting that a dog is a deity or a being that deserves our worship. What I am trying to convey is that I believe that there are aspects of our relationship with our dog or our dogs relationship with us that we can learn from